Top Ten Tuesday: My Bookish Resolutions for 2014



Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the gals at The Broke and the Bookish. For this week, it’s the Top Ten Bookish Resolutions. And here they are in no particular order:


Improve my Blog Design

I know next to nothing about design but I want to learn more about it especially as to how I can best improve the design of my book blog. I get all starry-eyed looking at the awesome and beautiful blogs that I get to visit each day. They’re inspiring. I’ll probably start with a more personalized banner, a blog button, and a signature. (If you guys have any tips for me, I would really, really appreciate it if you could leave them in the comments section.)


Complete my 2014 Challenges

This is actually more of a goal than a resolution since it’s the first time I’m doing them. I’ve signed up for four reading challenges, well five, including the Goodreads challenge, and I’m really excited for 2014.

historical challenge 2014tbrpilerc the-mad-reviewer-reading-challenge-button NetgalleyEdelweissReadingChallenge1


Review More Books

My dream for this goal is to review all the books I read this year. Daunting task but I will try to achieve this one.


Host My Very Own Giveaway

I’m so thankful for all the generous authors and bloggers out there who host prizes and giveaways and I would like to one day be the one giving out bookish stuff instead of receiving them. I’m still waiting for the right time, thinking of an awesome giveaway/s, and studying how to do the process itself.




There you go. I think that’s about it for me for this year. What about you, guys? What are your bookish resolutions for 2014?





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