The year that was and the year that has come

It’s been ages since I’ve last posted and to be honest, 2017 was not a good year of blogging for me. (Or if I’m really being honest, I haven’t done much blogging at all.) I’ve been so busy with grad school work as well as I’ve lost some steam and motivation for blogging. I’ve read how this kind of burnout has affected other bloggers as well. I can’t say for sure that this new year will be different, at least for my blogging routine but here’s me trying again; trying to remind why I started blogging about books in the first place.

Anywho… I was not able to read much in 2017. I don’t even want to look at my TBR backlog but I’d like to mention some books that I was able to finish and loved after reading (and hopefully be able to write full reviews on them as well). I also want to talk about books that I am excited for for 2018.

Sooooo… here we go!



The Q, I loved so much that I couldn’t help but write a post about it and share it with you guys. It was just so refreshing and just heartwarming reading this  book.

The Bird and the Sword was such a surprise read because it was better than I was expecting it to be. I loved the whole character dynamics in this story. 

Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil is another proof why Melina Marchetta is a favorite author of mine. It’s magical, how she weaves her story. The connections and relationships between her characters are just written so well.

Walk of Shame is such a feel-good read. I knew it would be because of Lauren Layne but still, the whole set-up of this story just screams funny, hearty and feel-good romance.

Archangel’s Viper is what made me pick up and read from the Guild Hunter series again. I haven’t been able to muster enough feelings of investment for the series main couple, BUT! when I found out that this was about Sorrow and Venom (!!!), I knew I was definitely reading this. And I really enjoyed their journey in this book.

And now…. on to my anticipated books in 2018! So, I kind of divided these into two categories: anticipated reads (books that I want to read the most this year that have already been published in previous years) and anticipated releases (books that I want to read and that are releasing in 2018).

Anticipated Reads in 2018


Scythe by Neal Shusterman
Speak Easy Speak Love by McKelle George
Lost Boy by Christina Henry
Thick As Thieves by Megan Whalen Turner

Anticipated Releases in 2018


Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Save the Date by Morgan Matson

And yes, that is Tahereh Mafi, with a new book from her Shatter Me series. Oh, be still, my heart.


Disclaimer: The post banner I used was from an etsy shop. You can find more of the artist’s work here.


6 thoughts on “The year that was and the year that has come”

  1. I’ve loved what I’ve read from Amy Harmon so far but have yet to pick up The Bird and the Sword. I’m reading (well, listening to) The Cruel Prince right now and enjoying it so much! It started off just a bit slow for me but oh my goodness are things ever happening now! 🙂

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