Category Archives: Super Six Sunday

Super Six Sunday (7): Most Romantic Book Couples! Epic Love!



Super Six Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by the gals at Bewitched Bookworms. This week’s theme: Super 6 Books I Wish I Lived In/I’m Glad I Don’t Live In.


1.   Eugenides and Attolia

The Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner

queen of attoliaAlright-y then. When it comes to epic romances, the first couple that comes to mind are these two from The Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner. Their story is as epic as they come. Adventures, check. Court intrigue, check. Questionable motivations, check. True feelings, check. Love story of a lifetime, check.



2.   Eleanor and Park

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

15745753These two just took my heart on a roller-coaster ride. I felt everything there was to feel reading their story unfold. I remember the stirrings of first love, the challenge of being in  a society that can’t quite accept who you are, the definitive moment that changes your life, the certainty of loving someone.



3.  Katniss and Peeta

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

catching fireIf theirs isn’t an epic love story, I don’t know what else would be. They were in a game to death where only one would have survived, which would have meant having to kill the other. Kill, as in make them dead. Add to that being in another hunger games, war and revolution, and torture-induced amnesia.

Continue reading Super Six Sunday (7): Most Romantic Book Couples! Epic Love!

Super Six Sunday (6): Book Worlds I Would Love to Live In


Super Six Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by the gals at Bewitched Bookworms. This week’s theme: Super 6 Books I Wish I Lived In/I’m Glad I Don’t Live In.


1.   Regency London

romancing mr bridgertonIt’s no secret that I love reading historical romances especially those set in England during the regency period. I would love to have lived during that time and in that setting.


2.   Psy-Changeling world of Nalini Singh

05 hostage to pleasureNalini Singh’s world-building is just in a whole other level and her Psy-Changeling series made her one of my ultimate favorite authors. I think it would be really intriguing, a bit scary, but a whole lot of awesome to live in this world.


3.  Harry Potter world

Harry_Potter_and_the_Goblet_of_Fire_(US_cover)Okay, who wouldn’t want to try and live in this world? I’d love to walk the hallways of Hogwarts, have butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade, and actually meet Malfoy.



Continue reading Super Six Sunday (6): Book Worlds I Would Love to Live In

Super Six Sunday: Favorite Covers of 2013


Super Six Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by the gals at Bewitched Bookworms. This week’s theme: Favorite Covers of 2013.



#6: Splintered by A.G. Howard

I haven’t read this yet but I’ve read good things about it and now it’s on my TBR list. I just love the whimsical feel and the lively colors of this cover.



#5: Crash Into You by Katie McGarry

I’ve always had a hard time picturing how a character would look in real life. And as I have been excited about Isaiah’s book since I read Dare You To, I got my first glimpse of him on this cover. And I loved it. I love the red-themed car and how they’re together on the seat, as well as their facial expressions.



#4: Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

We finally get a glimpse of Tessa herself. This cover was just beautifully done. I love her dress, by the way.



#3: A Man Above Reproach by Evelyn Pryce

This cover for a historical romance novel is a breath of fresh air. It’s an uncommon cover in this genre and I love the watercolor effect. It gives the gentleman on the cover a certain dimensionality that whispers of the time period in London then.


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#2: Eleanor & Park and Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Oh, these two. I just adore how these covers really echo the characters in the books. It’s an additional way for readers to connect with the story.


12 heart of obsidian

#1: Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh

I love this cover edition because it gives me the face to go with the name. This book is one of Nalini’s best works. Absolutely divine.


There you go, my super six covers for 2013. I would love to hear from you guys so if you have time, leave your links in the comments section and I’ll definitely check them out.




Super Six Sunday: Books I’m Thankful I Took A Chance On



Super Six Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by the gals at Bewitched Bookworms. This week’s theme: Super Six Books I’m thankful I took a chance on.

Most of these books were way out of my comfort zone, as far as my reading selection is concerned, but I got around to trying them out either based on the good reviews I’ve read about them or they came highly recommended by one of my favorite book bloggers or just the summary really drew me and I was eager to know what happens in the story.



#6: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Okay, this book did broke my heart into a million little pieces and made me cry buckets but it’s in this list because it touched my heart so. It presented a very compelling and much-debated choices and arguments when it comes to mortality and morality but there are still those emotions that just grab at you.



6990472#5: If I Stay by Gayle Forman

Another book that was a tearjerker as well but again, it had the heart and a message that got right through me. When I read the book blurb, I was wondering how somebody can survive a tragedy like that and the title of the book made me also ask the question of if somebody would even like to survive a tragedy like that. I just had to find out.




#4: Before Now by Cheryl McIntyre

This book. Gosh, this book. It’s the first I’ve read from this author and one of the first NA books I’ve read. I was just blown away by the intensity not only of the main character but by the writing as well. I had such an amazing time reading this book and I remember I kept thinking that I’m glad I found this one.



15745753#3: Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Rowell is one of my greatest author finds this year. And this book, it was just sheer perfection. From the tone, the characterizations, the dialogue, the completely new way hand-holding will be viewed from now on (I know but this just seems like one of those really important things that should have its own category), the over-all story. I didn’t know what to expect from this book but really, what Rainbow Rowell gave readers around the world was a gift. A gift.




#2: The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner

I can’t even think about what my life would be as a reader if I weren’t able to read this book. I actually lament that not everybody in this world has read this genius of a work from Megan Whalen Turner. I may sound completely over the top and exaggerated but that is because this book deserves to be loved, appreciated, and obsessed over. And if I haven’t read this, I would not have read the rest of the books in this ah-mhay-zing series. And that would have been a tragedy.



slave to sensation

#1: Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh

I had actually started my Nalini Singh journey with her Guild Hunter series. I remember checking her website and finding out that she had started a series before the Guild Hunter series called the Psy-Changeling series. I also remembered browsing through the books blurbs of those books but never really shoring up any interest in reading it. But then a couple of weeks later, I finally gave the first book a try, Slave to Sensation was its title. And by the first few chapters, I was hooked, line and sinker. As I blazed through the succeeding books, I kept thinking to myself that I almost did not get to read these amazing books. To say that I’m glad I did would be an understatement.



Honorable Mentions: (because I just had to…)


The Chocolate Thief by Laura Florand because it introduced me to Laura Florand’s Amour et Chocolat world.


Kiss of Steel by Bec McMaster because it cemented the steampunk romance lover in me and because it’s the first book of her wonderful London Steampunk series.



That’s it for my Super Six Sunday (plus, plus) 🙂 What’s in your list this week?




Super Six Sunday: Books that are on my TBR list for more than 6 months



Super Six Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by the gals at Bewitched Bookworms. This week’s theme: Books that have spend more than six months in my to-be-read (TBR) pile and which I haven’t gotten around to reading yet.



The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom

I’m a fan of Mitch Albom. Although I know I’ll definitely get tears in my eyes before I finish his books, I still read them because I know I’ll get something from the experience. Every. Single. Time.



Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

I’ve read a lot of positive reviews for this book and although it’s not usually my cup of tea genre-wise I added it to my TBR and I’m looking forward to finding out how this book will make me feel.



Immortal City by Scott Speer

I was going to read this at the same time as my friend but for some reason (aka, I got distracted by other books), my friend ended up finishing it while I did not even get past the first chapter. But I’m still keeping it in my TBR pile and hoping I get around to reading it soon.



Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

I love Rainbow Rowell. I’ve read and will adore to the end of my days her two other books, Eleanor and Park and Fangirl. But for some reason, I haven’t read Attachments yet. I don’t know if it’s nerves on my part because it may not be as wonderful as her other two books but it’s Rainbow Rowell, so I’ll trust in her name and in her work and still give this one a try. Soon.


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Daughter of Smoke & Bone and Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor

This series has garnered quite a following and I’m really looking forward to getting started with the Laini Taylor experience. I’ll probably start this series once the third book comes out.



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Archangel’s Kiss and Archangel’s Consort by Nalini Singh

Okay, I can’t believe I haven’t read these two yet when I’ve read Books 1, 4, and 5 and Book 6 just came out. The reason for this might be because I’m initially not used to having the same characters as leads in three consecutive books. I’m OC like that but I can manage it now with all the other books I’ve read that continues the series with the same hero and heroine. So, I’m definitely going to be reading these two soon, probably before the year ends.


There you go. Those are my Super Six this Sunday. What about you, guys? What have you got in your TBR pile for more than half a year now? 🙂




Super Six Sunday: Favorite Book Couples


Super Six Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Bewitched BookwormsEven though, it’s already Monday, I just couldn’t pass up this Super Six Sunday week. This Sunday’s theme: Favorite Couples.

It was so hard to narrow it down to six when I have a long list of couples that I really enjoyed rooting for. But finally, I did get them narrowed down. Somewhat.


Tied at #6

Lola and Cricket

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins


I love reading about these two quirky characters, with their past and their present feelings. The chemistry is so there that even before Cricket enters the story and Lola just mentions him in passing, you just know that there’s something special about their connection, whatever that may be.


Cath and Levi

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Theirs is a romance that hit me blindsided. I didn’t even know Rainbow Rowell was going to go there but when she did, wow, was it amazing. I love the gradual connection that emerged between these two. And when they got together, I thought, ‘Were they ever going to be with anybody else? Of course not.”



Tied at #5 (again… ^_^)

Pippa and Cross

One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean

one good earl deserves a lover

It was just so good watching or specifically reading these two fall in love with each other. I don’t know if they were described as such in the book itself but when I think of them, they remind me of jagged puzzle pieces with their oddities and eccentricities particularly Pippa but nevertheless, their jagged edges fit perfectly together. And Sarah MacLean did such a great job with their story.

devil in winter

Evie and Sebastian

Devil in Winter (The Wallflowers # 3) by Lisa Kleypas

These two have found salvation and redemption in each other. I loved watching Sebastian change for the better or to describe it better, be the man we know he truly is.




Eleanor and Park

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell


The beauty with the nitty-gritty of first love. These two just break my heart. With their intense emotions coupled with that you-and-me-against-the-world kind of environment. The development of their relationship just leaves you amazed and flabbergasted. It wasn’t the type of relationship with distinct episodes ending in exclamation points but the type that is just connected by these series of commas, with one episode flowing into the next seamlessly and irrevocably that there was no way of getting to that period without every single thing that had happened before it.

I grabbed this wonderful art from Rainbow Rowell’s website and which she, in turn, got from a digital painting by Simini Blocker.



Eugenides and *SPOILER* Attolia (highlight to read)

The Thief Series by Megan Whalen Turner

the king of attoliaqueen of attolia

Oh, these two. If ever there was a more complicated but profound romance, it will be the story of these two compelling characters. How a romance could’ve developed from their circumstances and blossom into the kind of partnership that these two have, is a complete and utter mystery to me and one that I am more than happy to just enjoy and revel in, thanks to the literary genius of Megan Whalen Turner.



Penelope and Colin

Romancing Mr. Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

romancing mr bridgerton

I’ve re-read their story half a dozen times already and I still haven’t gotten tired of it. Or ever will, I daresay. There’s just something magical with these two and how their relationship has evolved from a mere acquaintance into true friendship and later into a beautiful love.





Ashaya and Dorian

Hostage to Pleasure by Nalini Singh hostage to pleasure

The connection of these two just burns through the pages. Their passion, their strong characters, and their devotion and loyalty just light a fire and touch you as a reader. A short interlude between the two from the previous book in the series and you just know that Nalini Singh would not pass up an opportunity to write a book about them. Their story is fraught with all kinds of obstacles that Nalini just lays down perfectly and although I looked forward to their happily ever after, I was just invested and excited to go along the journey with them. And I was never disappointed. Not even once.


Special mentions:

Lydia and JonasA Kiss for Midwinter by Courtney Milan (novella) 16116470


Annabelle and HeathMatch Me If You Can by Susan Elizabeth Phillips 



Tris and FourDivergent Series by Veronica Roth 



Katniss and PeetaHunger Games series by Suzanne Collins 





Who are your favorite book couples?

Super Six Sunday: Books that made me cry


Super Six Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Bewitched Bookworms. This Sunday’s theme: Books that made me cry.

Although I don’t go about reading books that make me cry, there comes that time when books just do that to you. Sometimes you expect it would, other times it just blindsides you a bit. But what I appreciate is the fact that the authors don’t have it in their minds as an ultimate goal to make the readers cry. It’s just that in-between sort of thing in pursuit of their telling their stories.

Now, without further ado, here’s my list:

297887#6 One Night of Sin by Gaelen Foley

This might seem a little out of place in this list because it’s a historical romance but nevertheless Alec’s back story just grabbed at my heart, squeezed it, and won’t let go until tears were running down my cheeks.



17411704#5 The Story Guy by Mary Ann Rivers

A person’s dedication to and sacrifice for another person is sometimes a sad but beautiful thing to watch (or read).




15931#4 The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

It wasn’t just the Alzheimer and the power of love to break through this disease. It’s the long, long journey that Allie and Noah went through to be together.




6990472#3 If I Stay by Gayle Forman

The choice between staying and leaving has never been this gut-wrenching. She’s presented with these two choices and while you want her to choose one, it also makes sense that she would want to choose the other.



15507958#2 Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Oh, Jojo Moyes, how you bleed my heart. Learning and wanting to live your life like you want to instead of just going through the motions is at the heart of this novel.




10929#1 For One More Day by Mitch Albom

“Have you ever lost someone you love and wanted one more conversation, one more chance to make up for the time when you thought they would be here forever? If so, then you know you can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back.”

What can be more heartbreakingly pure and true than a mother’s love?