The Mad Reviewer Reading & Reviewing Challenge 2015 – Sign-Up Post


The Mad Reviewer Reading and Reviewing Challenge 2015 is hosted by Carrie @ The Mad Reviewer.

The ultimate goal of the challenge is to read and review 104 books in one year starting on January 1, 2015 until December 31, 2015. However, since not all can read and review that much book in a year, Carrie created different levels that you can take on for this challenge.


The Levels:

1.  Mad Reviewer: 104 books in one year. (2 books a week all year.)

2.  Crazy Reviewer: 52 books in one year. (1 book a week all year.)

3.  Slightly Sane Reviewer: 26 books in one year. (1 book every fortnight all year.)

4.  Sane Reviewer: 12 books in one year.  (1 book every month all year.)


My Goal:

I’ve participated in this same challenge last year and while I initially signed up for the Crazy Reviewer Level, I surprised myself when I actually reached the Mad Reviewer Level, reaching a total of 114 read and reviewed books for 2014 *happy dance*. 🙂

As for 2015, I am not sure I can reach the Mad Reviewer Level again because I am expecting quite huge transitions in my life this year especially with regard to my studies. So for this year, I’m going to target the Crazy Reviewer Level and try to read and review at least 52 books.


You can check out the Rules, Prize Selection, and other details HERE.


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