Quote-tastic Monday (4): ALMOST A BRIDE by Sarah Mayberry

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by Sarah Mayberry



Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000031_00003]She was kneeling on her board, sitting back on her heels as she watched fluffy white clouds scud across the sky when Reid’s voice echoed across the water.

“My stomach says it’s lunch time. What do you think?”

She started and almost fell off the board. It took her a moment to realize Reid was on the shore, one hand shading his eyes as he watched her.

And he’d taken his tank top off.

Even from a distance, his chest and torso looked amazing. She started paddling back toward shore, feeling absurdly nervous about the prospect of standing on dry land with him with so little clothes on.

Partner. Feels sorry for you. Remember?

Reid waded out into the water to hold the board as she jumped off, dragging it up the bank for her. Her mouth went dry at the way his abdominal muscles rippled with the effort.

God, he had an amazing body. Really, really impressive.

She’d always known that, of course–even the utilitarian cut of the Bozeman PD uniform couldn’t disguise his great physique–but seeing him like this, almost naked, was a whole other matter.

His pectoral muscles were cleanly defined, his shoulders broad. His belly was ripped, showcasing his zero percentage body fat. Then there were those thighs, and his beautifully sculpted calves…

She dragged her gaze away from him, concentrating instead on the picnic basket he’d spread on the wild grass covering the slope, a cooler anchoring one corner.

“It’s a long way to the nearest McDonald’s,” he explained.

“Very efficient of you.”

She settled on one side of the blanket while he took the other and started unpacking the cooler. She made a point of concentrating on the food he was unloading instead of him, even though a part of her was desperate to ogle him some more.

In some deep, dark, barely acknowledged corner of her psyche, she’d always wondered what his body was like.

And now she knew.

Food. Concentrate on the food.




Why is this quote fantastic?

I like this one because it’s the first that our two main characters are spending time together when they are both single. And yes, available. I particularly like how our heroine just couldn’t help herself from noticing our hero. Not that I can blame her. If I were her, I’d probably do some ogling too.

Sarah Mayberry is one of my favorite authors and she writes some of the best love stories I’ve read. It doesn’t matter if it’s a full-length book or a novella type, her talent as a writer shines through. ALMOST A BRIDE was another great read for me.


Book Summary:

Tara Buck has always been the good sister, level-headed by comparison to Scarlett, her flaky, impulsive twin. But when Tara learns her fiancé has been cheating on her with one of his school students, the orderly world she’s created for herself suddenly feels as if it’s falling apart. For years she chose the safe option, but from now on she’s going to live a little, stretch her wings…be a little daring. And if that means acting on the long-suppressed feelings she’s always had for Reid Dalton, then so be it! 

Reid has wanted Tara from the moment he met her, but she’s always been out of bounds. Not only is she his patrol partner at the Bozeman PD, she’s also engaged. But then her relationship blows up, and Reid finds himself battling his own instinct to stake his claim with the finest, hottest woman he’s ever known. 

Even if anything did happen between them, it would only ever be temporary – Reid’s a born wanderer, while Tara’s roots run deep in Marietta. So even if things are good between them, it seems their romance is destined to be short and sweet… 


So, what’s YOUR favorite quote this week?


Don’t forget to hop around and check out everyone’s picks for the week!

Never know, you just might find your next favorite read!


5 thoughts on “Quote-tastic Monday (4): ALMOST A BRIDE by Sarah Mayberry”

  1. I recently was part of the book blast through Goddess Fish for this book. Sounds like I really need to check it out. 🙂


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